Few Thoroughbred operations in Arizona
Have the size and facilities comparable to those of Hidden Springs Ranch. Situated in the fertile mountains of Peeples Valley, Arizona, 95 miles northwest of Phoenix, the ranch encompasses 225 acres and is designed for maximum spaciousness, safety, efficiency, and beauty. The rolling pastures lined with dark wooden fences remind visitors immediately of Kentucky, and provide mares and foals with lots of grass and plenty of room to run and play. Turnout options range in size from individual grass paddocks to 20-acre pastures for multiple mares and foals, with the largest fields averaging 6 or fewer horses.
Close to their respective due dates, pregnant mares at Hidden Springs Ranch spend the nights inside and under the watchful eye of an experienced foaling crew. There are two oversized foaling quarters.
After foaling, mares and foals at Hidden Springs Ranch are initially turned out in individual grass pastures during the daytime. While mares with newborn foals always spend the first few nights inside the barn, The stall accommodation period can be extended as needed depending on the weather situation and the specific circumstances of each pair.
Approximately two weeks after foaling, the pairs are gradually moved to larger fields where they are introduced to sharing the pasture with more mares and foals. Although the mares and foals now typically stay outside day and night, the team at Hidden Springs Ranch prides itself with the daily handling of the foals which is continued through their entire weanling and yearling year.